I was only five years old when this aired on tv….
By lindaj1951
Teievision (TV) was becoming a common household item, and we had a nice black and white Zenith TV at the time. My parents allowed me to stay up the night to watch as Julie Andrews premiered on this original TV broadcast version. It sounds just as I remember it, only better since my album had been played so many times you could hear all the scratches on it through all the songs. A wonderful and memorable recording!
By Movie Critic 1
Rodgers and Hammerstein AND Julie Andrews???? Sign me up!!!! I love all of it! Ten Minutes Ago is my favorite!
By Becky C#1
This is amazing music! I saw the movie and it was an amazing movie. I love all these actors and actresses that sing in this album. The movie was also very funny.
I was in a production of Cinderella
By La Musiqe
Not only was it the funnest production I've ever been in, it was the one with the best music. I was the man in The Prince Is Giving a Ball, and I was the princes squire for the rest of the show. My personal favorites are Impossible and In My Own Little Corner.
P.S. the 30 second clip for Impossible doesn't do it justice. Just so you know. You don't have to hesitate before buying it.
By cinderella!(:
My dance team is doing cinderella for this years recital and i absoultly lovveee the story of cinderella. We actaully use a bunch of Julia Andrews songs!
Really fun musical!
By Titanoo
You simply cannot beat the pristine vocals of Julie Andrews! I'm so sad that Alice Ghostly died! She was the one I connected with besause I played Joy, a stepsister, in our production of it. My favorite song is "A Lovely Night." We had a blast performing it and I highly reccommend it to those who love classic musicals.
By music_is_my_language
Buy this album!!! Its Amayzing!
get the movie version
By Zitro13
the title says it all get the movie or the soundtrack of the movie this sounds like they are bored
if this is helpful click yes
NOT THE ORIGINAL BROADWAY CAST but the 1957 CBS TV production, FANTASTIC in it's own right.
By kinghazzah
While this is a fantastic recording, especially Julie Andrews who has never sounded better, it is NOT the BROADWAY CAST production. This is in fact, and it even says so right on the cover art and I quote: "The CBS Television production of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderell starring Julie Andrews" Please note, that does not take away from the production value of this recording, with according my my purchsed CD copy was done in super bit technology so I'm sure it has been remastered (in 1999 if I'm not mistaken). I have seen this production as it has been rebroadcast recently within the past few years upon PBS stations nationwide in their Great Performances series (I saw it only a few months ago on the WOSU station) and is available for purchase at many outlets or from PBS and other internet vendors. IF you are looking for a nicely done (and if you're going for video please remember that cinescopes from the 50's era were not the best B&W quality for video transfer) musical story of the Cinderella story that has some humor in it as well then this might be what you want. As always, iTunes does give you the chance to listen to and in the case of video view a little bit of usually each track upon any given offering. My suggestion is to listen to the previews and then make your decision. I personally WANTED the Julie Andrews TV version (which is why I purchased this particular item). I just don't want anyone to misunderstand prior to making their purchase.
Most Viewed Television Event of All Time
By museumgirl
I grew up watching Leslie Anne Warren perform this in the 60's, little realizing that it was originally written for my childhood idol, Julie Andrews. Although it is rather light for Rogers and Hammerstein, that lightness feels right for the story and fits Julie Andrews like a tailored suit.
Recorded in mercurial, fragile Kinescope, this version was misplaced for many years and thought to have been destroyed. The fact that it has been found and restored is a gift to the history of American theater. The production was aired live, one night only, during one of Andrews' rare breaks from her grueling My Fair Lady schedule.
It tops all other American television events by quite a margin, weighing in at an amazing 107+ million viewers, topping Elvis on the Ed Sullivan Show (60 million), the MASH finale (50+ million), and the birth of Little Ricky on I Love Lucy (44 million). The streets of every major American city were deserted that night, including New York City, a phenomenon that stunned Julie Andrews herself when she emerged from the studio to head home that evening.