Български И Руски Църковни Песнопения - EP - Boris Christoff, Mixed Choir at the Patriarchal Cathedral St. Alexander Nevsky & Sofia Male Chamber Chorus

Български И Руски Църковни Песнопения - EP

Boris Christoff, Mixed Choir at the Patriarchal Cathedral St. Alexander Nevsky & Sofia Male Chamber Chorus

  • Genre: Vocal
  • Release Date: 1986-07-24
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 5
  • Album Price: 4.95
  • ℗ 1986 MIK BALKANTON
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Title Artist Time
Жертва Вечерняя Boris Christoff & Mixed Choir at the Patriarchal Cathedral St. Alexander Nevsky 5:06
Блажен Муж Boris Christoff & Mixed Choir at the Patriarchal Cathedral St. Alexander Nevsky 3:36
Многая Лета Boris Christoff & Mixed Choir at the Patriarchal Cathedral St. Alexander Nevsky 2:24
Иже Херувими Sofia Male Chamber Chorus 7:31
Яко Да Царя Sofia Male Chamber Chorus 1:32