Saint-Saëns: Symphony No. 3 In C Minor, Phaéton, Danse Macabre, Danse Bacchanale - Lorin Maazel & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

Saint-Saëns: Symphony No. 3 In C Minor, Phaéton, Danse Macabre, Danse Bacchanale

Lorin Maazel & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

  • Genre: Classical
  • Release Date: 1996-11-05
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 7
  • Album Price: 9.99
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Title Artist Time
Symphony No. 3 in C Minor, Op. Lorin Maazel, Anthony Newman & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 9:51
Symphony No. 3 in C Minor, Op. Lorin Maazel, Anthony Newman & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 11:10
Symphony No. 3 in C Minor, Op. Lorin Maazel, Anthony Newman & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 7:29
Symphony No. 3 in C Minor, Op. Lorin Maazel, Anthony Newman & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 8:17
Phaéton, Op. 39 Lorin Maazel & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 8:19
Danse Macabre, Op. 40 Lorin Maazel, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra & Andrés Cárdenes 6:23
Danse Bacchanale from "Samson Lorin Maazel & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 7:15


  • Great music, mixed performances

    By mjmosca
    I have been listening to the music of Saint-Saens for more than 50 years and am still finding new elements in the music. This album has a fine performance of the Symphony but the superb symphonic poem, Phaeton is absurdly fast- listen to the recording by Pierre Dervaux on EMI- which truly hits the mark. I also love the Levine, Munch and Pretre performances of the Symphony. Martinon recorded all 5 of the symphonies and that set is indispensable.
  • This is good??

    By aloccip
    Too many times, the exceptional Pittsburgh winds and strings have fallen prey to the bombastic playing by their colleagues in the percussion and brass sections. This time the organ is out of control as well. Though everyone plays superbly, the balance of the orchestral voices is annoying. EMI released a Saint-Saens 3rd approximately at the same time that is far superior to this recording. This is not one of Pittsburgh's finest.
  • My First Camille Saint-Saëns

    By Noneedtoknowname
    Truely a nice album. Was initially expecting something I wouldn't really like (like Brahms') but SS' music is something I might easily get into after hearing this album... much like how I felt about Rachmaninoff.

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