S. Szokolay: Blood Wedding - Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra

S. Szokolay: Blood Wedding

Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra

  • Genre: Classical
  • Release Date: 1989-07-26
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 26
  • Album Price: 19.99
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Title Artist Time
Act 1: Halál, halál. Anyám Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 11:13
Act 1: Nocsak - Gyere Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 3:43
Act 1: Csicsija, csi Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 5:10
Act 1: Hát a kicsi Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 2:55
Act 1: A kicsi Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 1:28
Act 1: Tessék helyet foglalni Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 6:34
Act 1: Mennyi sok ajándék. A Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 3:49
Act 2: Kelj föl, menyasszony Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 3:18
Act 2: Te - Én. Jó napot, M� Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 5:23
Act 2: Jönnek Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 4:43
Act 2: Kelj fel, menyasszony Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 3:09
Act 2: La, lalalala. induljunk Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 2:25
Act 2: Jönnek Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 4:48
Act 2: Itt az ideje Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 2:51
Act 2: Hol a lányom. Lehetetl Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 5:24
Act 3: Megfogták-e őket Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 3:13
Act 3: Most kél a Hold Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 2:08
Act 3: Csak csöndbe. Itt jön Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 2:41
Act 3: Erre, erre Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 2:46
Act 3: Jaj, jaj Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 2:08
Act 3: Halkan Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 6:48
Act 3: Á... - Zuhatagok. Éj Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 3:49
Act 3: Fonalam - Mit szőjek Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 2:23
Act 3: Visszamegyek. Egy kis k Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 3:45
Act 3: A fiam válasza kellene Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 4:21
Act 3: Keresztnek szent szege. Erzsébet Komlóssy, Ferenc Szőnyi, Erzsebet Hazy, András Faragó, Andras Korodi, Hungarian State Opera Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus & Hungarian State Opera Orchestra 4:46