Rosenzweig: Diptych - Froom: Piano Quartet, Down to a Sunless Sea, Piano Sonata - Benjamin Hudson, Susan Palma, Allen Blustine, Chris Finckel, Morris Rosenzweig, Eliza Garth, Lois Martin, Michael Rudiakov, Cyrus Stevens, Donald Palma & Linda Quan

Rosenzweig: Diptych - Froom: Piano Quartet, Down to a Sunless Sea, Piano Sonata

Benjamin Hudson, Susan Palma, Allen Blustine, Chris Finckel, Morris Rosenzweig, Eliza Garth, Lois Martin, Michael Rudiakov, Cyrus Stevens, Donald Palma & Linda Quan

  • Genre: Classical
  • Release Date: 1991-01-01
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 10
  • Album Price: 9.99
  • ℗ 1991 Centaur Records, Inc.
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Title Artist Time
Diptych: I. Another Order of C Benjamin Hudson, Susan Palma, Allen Blustine, Chris Finckel, Morris Rosenzweig & Eliza Garth 9:04
Diptych: II. Consider the Wind Benjamin Hudson, Susan Palma, Allen Blustine, Chris Finckel, Morris Rosenzweig & Eliza Garth 9:56
Piano Quartet: I. Dramatic and Lois Martin, Michael Rudiakov, Eliza Garth & Cyrus Stevens 3:49
Piano Quartet: II. Very Slow a Lois Martin, Michael Rudiakov, Eliza Garth & Cyrus Stevens 2:03
Piano Quartet: III. Scherzo: Q Lois Martin, Michael Rudiakov, Eliza Garth & Cyrus Stevens 4:34
Piano Quartet: IV. Very Slow Lois Martin, Michael Rudiakov, Eliza Garth & Cyrus Stevens 1:50
Down to a Sunless Sea Lois Martin, Donald Palma, Michael Rudiakov, Linda Quan & Cyrus Stevens 11:11
Piano Sonata: I. Maestoso - Ag Eliza Garth 6:49
Piano Sonata: II. Adagio e mol Eliza Garth 4:46
Piano Sonata: III. Presto poss Eliza Garth 5:33