Love Laura but!!
By dinaliz
I thought this album was gonna have all the tracks (live).. but only a medley? that's so not Laura, her record company drop the ball this time..
Hopefully they'll release them at a later time..
Laura te deseo lo mejor del mundo ahora en tu nueva vida como mama, Dios te cuide y que tu hija venga a este mundo llena de buena salud y fuerte. Feliz Navidad a ti y todos tus seres queridos.
Before you complain, run a search
By CruzDelSur
Stop complaining. The Italian version is available on iTunes. This "special edition" includes nothing new relative to the original edition of the album, except for the New Year's Medley and a "duet" with a mediocre vocalist whose profile the record company is trying to raise in the Latin market. If you want the 20 new minutes of music of the New Year's eve medley, you would have to buy all the tracks for either the Italian or Spanish language edition.
How about the Italian version?
By Mith242
It's a bit annoying when iTunes only releases the Spanish version of Laura's albums in the US. The Spanish version is okay. But I really would prefer the Italian version instead. Maybe iTunes would prefer I spend my money somewhere else.