Blue, blue, electric blue
By veshengro
At first this seemed like a re-recording of the classic song, something Bowie has done with a number of songs over the years. It makes sense that he would again here, what with his sudden return to the spotlight in 2013 and Beck's recent epic re-arrangemengement and live showcase of the song. However a quick online search shows that this beautifully stripped-down version is a remix (by Sonjay Prabhakar) originally made for a smartphone ad. The already brief song clocks a very short and (bitter)sweet length when stripped down to the basic piano and vocal tracks (and a bit of background vocals which yes, do seem to pick up a touch of efffects bleed as a previous review noted). Lovely, simple, sweet, and sad.
By Moviegal
Anything he does is incredible
Pretty, but clumsy
By Theodore Dresden
Nice, sublte, quiet approach, but the execution is hasty and clumsy. You can actually hear the original arrangement audio leak from Bowie's headphones in all the vocal "samples" peppered throughout this version. It sounds like a hack job, done in an afternoon.
Original sounds beautiful as always, though. I'm all for alternate versions, but the 2013 one is disposable at best. Barely leaves an impression.
1:50 ????? where is the full version ????
By pavson
nice - but 1:50 ?!
Great addition to the collection!
By rachelhatcher89
Nice spin on a classic. I would love any version made of this song. And of course, you get the timeless original!