Love, love this album
By happy gardener Nonni
I heard Elizabeth Mitchell’s Little Bird on Pandora and feel in love with her. While I bought this album for my granddaughter while we drive around in the card, my husband and I also listen to it when she is not around. I just love how clear and soft Elizabeth Mitchell’s voice is. This is a wonderful album for the whole family.
A sweet collection of JOY!!!!!
By bluelunacafe
This album is a sweet collection of songs that still fills me with great joy when I hear them. We have listened to her music for years and I know that it will continue to be part of our family and its soundtrack for a very long time. . Elizabeth Mitchell has a true talent for being able to tap into the inner child in all of us.
By uunique58
😢 three little birds so cute the baby singing so cute my son loves her songs and I do too!
Our kids and grandchildren love this album!
By KidsPlay Unplugged
Hands down one of the best children's album ever. The beautiful and soothing voice of Elizabeth Mitchell is a perfect complement to the stellar song selection and arrangements.
By Debbienj1
I think I love this more than my daughter. Songs are great, relaxing and put me in a good mood.
Favorite of the whole fam!!
By Fembotgrrl
Can't recommend this enough, a great album of soothing songs the whole family will love.
By Rockin'MyLittleMan
I downloaded a few songs when my son was first born and ended up getting the whole album. I adore so many songs, but my favorite is Little Bird, Little Bird. Her voice is so sweet and alluring. My son calms down if he's fussy when he hears her voice. I know the songs will be treasured for years to come.
So great!
By 23941AMDHS
Worth the purchase!
Absolutely lovely collection of songs
By susansimon
My almost 2 yr old is entranced. After every song he says "more, more..." Each song is wonderfully sweet, simple and full of love. Well done!
We're enjoying this CD so much!
if it wasnt for a cartoon show this song i wouldnt of know of
By Snake_Dice
i love it thats all i can say =)